Private Boater’s Guide to San Diego County
16″ x 11.5″
Spiral-bound and laminated book
8 pages
Private Boater’s Guide to San Diego County
Now Available! After the successful release of our Catalina Island and San Clemente Island titles, we are proud to introduce The Private Boater’s Guide to San Diego County. This spiral-bound and laminated guide offers a collection of maps of the San Diego coastline made specifically for the private boater embarking on a fishing or diving adventure from San Diego Bay, Mission Bay, or Oceanside Harbor.
This guide features information specific to the private boater: Mexico boating info, the NEW 75-fathom rockfish boundary, the NEW 40-fathom boundaries in CowCod Conservation Areas, 300+ popular fishing spot and diving locations, Marine Protected Area GPS boundaries and regulations, diving regulation boundaries in San Diego Bay, small-craft harbor facilities information and much more!
Map Titles
Includes the following map titles, covering specific regions of San Diego County and northern Baja California in detail: San Diego Offshore, Northern Baja Offshore, North County, San Diego Local, San Diego Borderlands, San Diego Bay, Mission Bay.
Boating into Mexico?
We’ve got the information you need for navigating a private boat into Mexico from San Diego County: the new Biosphere Reserves around the Coronado and Todos Santos Islands, the 12-mile and 50-mile boundaries that deliniate visa, passport, boat importation permit and Mexican fishing license requirements, as well as the International Border. Also included are boating tips and fishing regulation summaries from CONAPESCA printed right on the map. All Mexico boating information is overlaid on top of popular fishing spot and dive site locations, giving you an “at-a-glance” reference. Fish and dive in Mexican waters with confidence!
Smallcraft Harbor Facilities
Our maps have the names and locations of the following types of small craft facilities: marinas, transient anchorages, mooring areas, public dock access, public boat ramps, dock & dine restaurants, fuel docks, sportfishing landings, waterski areas, swimming areas, 5 mph zones, harbor patrol offices, IGFA-certified weigh-in scale, dockside fish processor, US Customs dock, bayside lifeguard towers, and much more!
Artificial Reef Maps
Includes large-scale inset maps of the following artificial reefs in San Diego County: Oceanside Artificial Reef 1, Oceanside Artificial Reef 2, Carlsbad Artificial Reef, Pacific Beach Artificial Reef, Mission Bay Park Artificial Reef, and International Reef.
Over 300 Popular Fishing and Diving Spots
GPS numbers listed for over 300 popular fishing and diving spots accessed out of San Diego County harbors, including: Trestles Kelp, The Domes, Short Pipe, Long Pipe, Box Canyon, Patterson Kelp, Yellowtail Kelp, Barn Kelp, the Golf Ball, the Clam Beds, Anderson Pipe, Buccaneer Pipe, Powerplant Pipe, Carlsbad Kelp, Swami’s Reef, Table Top Reef, Del Mar Powerhouse, Flat Rock, Quast Rock, God’s Rock, the Bump, The Half, 3/4 Spot, The 10, Horseshoe Reef, Round Kelp, NW Corner, The 32, The 270, Widow Rock, Jetty Kelp, SW Corner, Bird Rock, Variety Kelp, USS Yukon, Round House, The Pine Tree, Hill Street, The College, Green Tank, Goal Posts, The Lab, 3 Finger’s Reef, 5 Tanks, Dolphin Tanks, Ancient Sea Cliffs, The D.O., Train Wheels, The Whistler, Zuniga Jetty, the Sub Wreck, IB Flats, IB Pipe, Sloughs Kelp, USS Hogan Wreck, the Bull Ring, Tijuana Kelp, Las Playas Kelp, The Waterfall, Pukey Point, Ribbon Kelp, the Middle Grounds, Coronados White Rock, Coronados Bull Kelp, SKR, 5-Minute Klp, The Rockpile, The Smokestack, the 9-mile Bank, the 101, 425, The Corner, Upper Cross, Upper Finger Bank, Hidden Bank, Banda Bank, Upper 500, Tanner Bank, Cortes Bank, Butterfly Bank, San Salvador Knoll, the 302, 43 Fathom Spot, Sixty Mile Bank, 1010 Trench, Double 220, Dumping Grounds, Bell Bank, The Worm, Mushroom Bank, The Airplane, 213, 1067 Knuckle, 295, 270, 238, Lower 500, Peanut Bank, 1140 Finger, the 230, the 400, The Sniffer, Lower Cross, the Colonet High Spot and much more!